Ice Barbarians or Kingdom of the Cruski


Proper Name: Kingdom of the Cruski
Ruler: His Most Ferocious Majesty, Lolgoff Bearhear, the King of Cruski, Fasstal of all the Suelii [CN male human]
Government: Independent feudal monarchy with hereditary rulership, though with little actual control over jarls, who act independently of one another; king controls the area around the capital and farms within 30-50 miles
Cities: Glot (SC); Jotsplat (LT)
Resources: Furs, copper, gems (I), rare wood (sablewood, not exported)
Population: Human 96%, Dwarf 2%, Halfling 1%, Other 1%
Law: CN
Allies: Snow Barbarians (sometimes)
Enemies: Sea Barons, Stonehold, North Kingdom, Scarlet Brotherhood, Frost Barbarians (sometimes), Ratik (sometimes), Snow Barbarians (sometimes)

Dwelling in seaside and mountain towns, the Frost Barbarians live by hunting, fishing and whaling. Shipbuilding is also important—which directly aids another vocation: piracy. Seasonal raids on southern lands provide both wealth and the opportunity for battle that all Frost Barbarians crave.
    These raids were once seen (by the more civilized kingdoms) as annoyances and things to be defended against only on a local level. But recent rumors of secret parlays between the Frost and Snow Barbarians have the southern kingdoms worried. Are the two barbarian nations planning a major raid, perhaps against the Sea Barons of the Lordship Isles? Those two countries, and others, would pay well to know more.