
Proper name: Ket

Ruler: His Illustrious Glory, Nadaid, Beygraf of Ket and Shield of the True Faith (LN male human)

Government: Feudal monarchy with semihereditary rulership; beygraf must have proven fighting skill and leadership (magical ability preferred)

Capital: Lopolla

Population: Human 96%, Dwarf 2%, Halfling 1%, Other 1%

Law: LN

Allies: Paynims (sometimes), Tusmit (sometimes)

Enemies: Bissel, Veluna, Gran March, Furyondy, Knights of the Watch, Empire of Iuz (sometimes), Zeif (sometimes), Ekbir (minor)


A former province of Zeif, Ket is the crossroads between east and west, a mixture of peoples and traditions. The feudal monarchy retains strong military and religious traditions in the worship of Al-Akbar. While heredity allows one the opportunity to rule, strength and faith must be proven before one receives the titles of Beygraf and Shield.

The clergy of Ket is intertwined with its military hierarchy. Every company has its own cleric, and Ketite soldiers are expected to adhere to the devotions of Al'Akbar.