Sea Barons


Proper Name: Sea Barons
Ruler: His Noble Prominence Basmajian Arras, Lord High Admiral of Asperdi, Commander of the Sea Barons [LE male human]
Government: Independent feudal barony, hereditary leadership, with a different noble family governing each island but all owing fealty to Asperdi
Cities: Asperdi (SC); Oakenheart (LT)
Resources: Seafaring technology and knowledge, shipbuilding supplies
Population: Human 79%, Halfling 9%, Elf 5%, Dwarf 3%, Gnome 2%, Half-elf 1%, Half-orc 1%
Law: CN
Allies: Rel Astra and the Solnor Compact cities
Enemies: Scarlet Brotherhood, Lordship of the Isles, Northern Barbarians, Lendore (distrusted)

The isles of the Sea Barons are fertile and lush, particularly known for their unique oak trees, which are generally regarded as the best available for shipbuilding. Oakenheart, its capital, accordingly sports renowned shipyards, where most of the Sea Barons' matchless vessels are constructed and repaired.
    Rulers along the coast see the Barons as little better than pirates and slavers. The Barons, however, are safely allied with the Solnor Compact cities. The Sea Barons patrol the coast in return for the ability to anchor in Compact harbors and trade in their markets. The Barons distrust Drax's motives when he offers more permanent alliance, but greet his ambassadors with friendship.
    The greatest threat to the Sea Barons is the alliance between the Lordship of the Isles and the Scarlet Brotherhood. The Barons fear the Scarlet Brotherhood and treat strangers harshly in their lands.